Monday 29 April 2024


While in Victoria I watched a sail boat race. I had never photographed one before but found it interesting and en ed up with a lot of shots. Here are some of them.


I photographed a number of differennt Great Blue Herons (in a nnumber of different locations) in Victoria. some were more cooperative than others. Here are some of the results.

Saturday 27 April 2024


Spring was in the air at Sidney on Vancover Island and the Rock Doves knew it. There was a lot of " billing and cooing" and one thing led to anmother.


Got some spare time so headed for Victoria for some spring weather. Had been hearinng about an owl nest and walked into it. Not what I had expected. The nest was about forty feet in the air in heavy forest. It was very dark but the owls were there--two little ones and the mother. Mostof the time only one of the babies was visable and when the other one was, mum wouldent look my way. I did manage to get couple of shots. Two days later we went back in but the nest was empty. Someone said he had seen them, but wasn't sayinying where they were. I was happy to get the photos I did.


Im afraid I haven't posted for some time and hope to do better. I have heard about all kinds of people seeing otters at Tagish. I have gonne out a number of times looking for them but they weere busy avoiding me. I was told by a Tagish resident that I might see them but they would be in the middle of the river and never on the edge. A couple of weeks ago I was stannding near the bridge with several other photographers when someone spotted four in the middle of the river. A little later six climbed out on the ice on the south side of the bridge. They spent a few minites lookinng at some swans there,
then moved to the north side (much better light) annd again got up on the ice. They played and rolled around for some time-all to delight of the photographers. Here are some of my favorite shots.