Friday 9 December 2022


I have been spending quite a lot of time photographing the Bohemian Waxwings around the downtown area. They don't sit still and as a result I end up using the "delete" button alot more than the "delite" button. It's all still fun.
lot more than the "delite" button. It's still all fun.

Sunday 6 November 2022


I have been going out to the Takhini Burn to try to find rutting elk. I have found one group of about 25 with a big bull (from my count he has seven points on one side and six on the other). The problem is that they only seem to be around when it is almost dark. I did manage a few shots. Another trip I found a lynx sitting in the ditch.

Sunday 24 July 2022


Had a week in Haines Alaska and got some interesting shots of a swan family and a few other pic tures at Pine Lake on the way home. Just couldn't seem to find time to do the posting.